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About this Salient Features Dictionary
The Salient Features Dictionary is based on the work and ideas of Christine Roman-Lantzy, Ph.D. Dr. Roman-Lantzy defines salient features as, "the defining elements that distinguish one target from another." (Roman-Lantzy, p204). "They are," she continues, "the key pieces of distinct information that facilitate recognition of an image, object, environment, or person" (Roman-Lantzy,  2018). 
Dr. Roman-Lantzy has developed an approach for teaching children with CVI to recognize what they see based on the salient features of the item (Roman-Lantzy, 2018). A salient features dictionary is part of Dr. Roman-Lantzy's approach and can serve as a valuable instruction tool for many students with CVI. 
There is no one "right" way to create a salient features dictionary, and there is no one "right" set of salient features for any particular item. Instead, instruction in salient features should be individualized for each child,  based on his or her unique set of needs, strengths and interests.  This online salient features dictionary is simply one example of this idea and is intended as a supportive reference. This dictionary is a product of The CVI Collaborative, an open, collaborative group of parents and professionals who have learned both directly and indirectly from Dr. Roman-Lantzy. 

If you have any questions about or suggestions for this project, please contact Matt Tietjen at: 

Roman-Lantzy, Christine. (2018). Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention (2nd Ed.) New York, NY: American Foundation for the Blind. 
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